Friday 15 October 2010

Editing Styles and Conventions

Editing was first used in 1903, however it wasn't used constantly until the 1940's, though now in the 21st century editing is used in all movies; independent and blockbusters.

Classic Hollywood Montage - This is used to create flashbacks in a persons life or a moment that is revelant to the storyline, which happened some time ago. It's a way of expressing time, in a short screen time.

Soviet Montage - This is used to convey meaning within a film.

Linear Editing - Each scene is filmed right after one another.

Non - Linear Editing - Scenes are filmed at edited at multiple times.

180° Rule - The camera must stay to one side of the person or object. Moving opposite sides can confuse the audience.

Cross Cutting - This is where two moments are happening simultaneously in the film but at different locations or time.

Eyeline Match - This is the smooth transition between both characters, this helps with clear and focused edits.

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